We have been building homes across southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales for over twenty years. During that time, we have had plenty of exposure to creative landscaping solutions for yards and outside areas of all shapes and sizes. We have put together a few of our favourite landscaping suggestions below.
Tarps and weed fabric are your best friend


If you are just getting started with landscaping your property, you will quickly discover that there are a couple of tools that you will need in your arsenal. Tarps are very handy for shifting bulk amounts of lighter materials. If you are weeding garden beds, lay a tarp down and throw all your refuse into it – it will make it far easier to unload into your bin.


Weed fabric has its place, but if you know anything about weeds, you know that they can live anywhere. We recommend utilising weed fabric under gravel beds, or individually placed pavers, but not in gardens themselves. It will not take long for weeds to take root on any soil or potting mix you have placed over the fabric, and it can get in the way of the plants you are actually trying to grow.


Mix up your edges


When you use concrete or pavers around your entire garden bed as edging for your gardens, you are putting yourself in the unenviable position of needing to maintain those edges in order to prevent your garden appearing unkempt. Instead of hard straight lines, use some ground cover or small bushes as edges in some areas – let them flow over where it makes sense. Ground cover can be let go for weeks or months without immediately looking as uncared-for as a few plants growing over a concrete runner.


Buy in bulk


If you are undertaking a larger scale landscaping project around your home, consider buying your soil and potting mix in bulk. It will be much cheaper, and if you plan on getting everything done over a weekend, there will not be any harm to the underlying grass or surface wherever you choose to dump the load. This is another situation where a tarp comes in handy – lay one down for your soil delivery, and then easily remove whatever you don’t use.


Get the right tools, the first time


Once you have set up your beautiful garden, you will want to maintain it. If you develop a green thumb, over time cheap tools will continue to break down and frustrate you. Spend the money and get the right tools upfront. A few basic things, like a trench shovel, a good pair of clippers and a solid metal rake are a good start to your repertoire of gardening tools.


Use pots as a garden


Many people love a good garden bed with deep, well-tilled soil and lively plants. However, if you want a slightly lower level of maintenance, consider using a variety of pots on a tiled bed instead of just soil. It can be easier to care for and helps to add some variety to the appearance of your garden. It also provides the added benefit of making it far easier to move plants around as the seasons change, or as your landscaping ideas develop.


If you’d like to see the product of these landscaping and backyard design tips then come and visit our two display homes at Rochedale, the Metropolitan 36 and the Brookhaven 42.


Brookhaven landscaping photo



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McCarthy Homes have been building high quality custom homes for over two decades. During that time, we have helped many happy first homeowners step into their dream homes. Our approach to home building centres around the element of timeless sophistication. Every aspect of our building process is designed to deliver a luxurious forever home.
Working with McCarthy Homes gives you the benefit of working with experts in all fields. When you work with the McCarthy Homes team, you work with the best. We will ensure that you understand the entire process of building your home, from design to handover. Communication, transparency and superior finishes are our trademark and we stand by it.


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